Sabtu, 06 Juli 2019

Chapter 81 - I should've said this last week.

Thank you for this one year, thank you for all the memories, thank you for all the stories that we've shared a lot, thank you for all the hopes and imaginations, thank you for all the good and the sad times that we've passed a lot, thank you for making me a better men, thank you for always being my motivation, thank you for always being in my heart, thank you for every seconds that we've spent together, both online and when we're meeting.

I'm sorry i've done a lot of things that makes you uncomfortable, i'm sorry i can't be more than you want, i'm sorry i couldn't pass your criteria, i'm sorry for thinking i was good enough to be your future.

I'm sorry if i'm just wasting your time over this 13 months.

I believe you can find a more better man than me, i know i'm just a piece of garbage haha

Let's just pretend everything i've said, everything we did, just never happened.

You can burn the stuffs i've sent to you, it's all yours. Don't send it back, pamali.

You can delete this chat too. There is no meaning here for you anymore.

But you means a lot for me. Maybe you just didn't realize it. Oh well.

Enjoy your vacation btw, "hunn"!

Take my one last breath, and don't forget that I'll be right here waiting (again) for you.

I love you so much, forever, my sweet princess.

Time to listen to emo songs.

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